Bun and Cheesus: A Jamaican Easter

It’s that time of year again: midterm holidays, gone to country (be back soon), step into church for the first time since New Year’s, watch Passion of the Christ and chow down on some good old Easter bun and cheese.

Jamaicans have never been able to separate food from celebrations. Weddings – curry goat. Funerals – endless manish water. Christmas – ham and fruit cake. Easter – bun and cheese. It’s the simplest equation.

So whether you are trapped without WhatsApp in some back-a-bush family home, watching Passion of the Christ on your HD TV with Mom and Dad and popcorn, or dutifully attending church to get closer to your Lord and Saviour, I hope you have the happiest Easter and the nuffest bun and cheese.

Image not my own.

For Jamaicans abroad, don’t worry. Any bun and cheese is Easter bun and cheese. Even hot cross buns.


I now really want a picture of the Christ eating bun and cheese. Best Easter photo mashup EVER.

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